Drawing the Foundation

Ally Wallace



Ally spent the majority of his time at Thistle making drawings around the Estate and from the vantage point of the Robin Chapel. The drawings capture a period of significant change for the Foundation – with both the new building taking shape and many new housing developments being built around the Estate.

Ally was particularly interested in the architecture of the houses; capturing and isolating subtle design elements that were made to accommodate the injured WW2 veterans for whom the houses were originally built. Slightly lower window frames, porches and the covered walk ways re-appear throughout his work.

The structure of the Estate and its clearly delineated boundary, cut off from the rest of Craigmillar by thick hedges and gates also became a point of reflection: Does this boundary create an oasis or a ghetto? Were the hedges designed to to keep people out or to shelter those who lived here from the world outside?

This world has changed dramatically since the Foundation was first built – the housing on the Estate now belongs to a local Housing Association, not Thistle, and a mixed community live here – some people are supported by Thistle, but the majority are not. The boundary has become problematic – for many in the community it represents as much a metaphorical boundary line as a physical one – Ally’s time at the Foundation encouraged us to confront this.

While making his drawings Ally has had numerous conversations about the site with staff at Thistle, the people we support and people living on the Estate – occasionally visiting them in their homes for tea and biscuits. These conversations have allowed us all to think critically about our position in the community and the role we seek to play in the future.


Ally kept a record of his work at the Foundation on a blog.


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